Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Word O the Day

I'm moving in 3 days. Yup. Three..... wow..... wish I wouldn't have procrastinated so badly *as she sits adding yet another post to her blog rather than actually packing* I'm going to keep it short and sweet- here's little nugget of a Jen-ism {feel free to poach it, I'm too lazy to sue you} that was inspired by my bestie's ritual of getting just a teeeeensy bit sloshed on red in times of stress. He though it was pretty funny. Truthfully, so do I......

Merlot + Loaded = "Merloaded"

As in, "Reeling from the anxiety of having to pack the contents of her entire house in only 3 days, a merloaded Jenevieve was found in her shoe closet--clutching Choos... in the fetal position"


  1. hmm so along those lines, cabernet + blasted = cablasted!

    and shiraz + trashed = shirashed!

    yes I think this works :)

  2. one of my guy friends also introduced me to the term Bacardiologist. Which I think is pretty darn funny!
